Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Stress & RA

In dealing with my RA, it's helped a lot that it was caught early. I'm blessed with a doctor who loves solving problems. Since we have known one another for years, when I first when to him 5 years ago, he took my symptoms seriously. However, the thing which seems to have the most negative effect on how I feel is... If I allow stress to get the better of me, I spend days paying for it. That begs the obvious question of how do you prevent it from "getting the better" of you...? I wish I could say that that was something that I had mastered. I haven't. I do much better though when I've spent time reading God's Word and talking to Him in prayer. When I've been focused at work on the things that I can control so that they are not Out of Control. When I remember that in light of eternity, how important is something... There are many ways of attacking stress. I hope that you're looking at keeping things under control, rather than running around with your hair on fire.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day

Yesterday was the day we remember our honored dead, those who've fallen to the service of our country. Far too often, please just view Memorial Day as a "3 day weekend." It's a day to hang out, away from work. Too many are still suffering from the loss of their loved ones. Too many have to wait for the care that they need.
I pray that we, as a society, practice what we preach. We're all "for the troops." How many of us, donate time or money or just the care and love that so many need. I've been praying for a good friend of mine who's been suffering mentally from the stress that he went through. Let's all stand up for our believes and really support the troops with actions, not words...