Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Weasel??

I was just thinking of someone who I think of as a weasel. This is someone who backstabbed not just me but also one of the nicest guys you could ever meet... After almost 7 months in his current position, he was just counselled by my old company's HR department because of his immature leadership style. 

I'm digressing, though. Has anyone ever wondered why calling someone a weasel started? Thinking of the person I was referring to, it seems like an insult to the weasel...

Apparently, the fact that they are very stealthy animals makes them a bad omen in other cultures.

Getting back to the guy I was referring to, the sneaking around, the back biting, the passive agressive who wouldn't communicate with me but would make stuff up to others, I guess does qualify him for Weasel status.

What's really funny is that the current EVP, who he's aligned himself with so closely, that one wonders about their orientation, doesn't know something pretty important about him... During the same time that he was stabbing me in the back, he was sucking up to this EVP's predecessor, trying to get a Director position.

This former EVP, who I remain good friends with, told him that he wasn't qualified for the slot. So while Bill thinks this slimy character is the best thing since sliced bread, he doesn't know that he tried to stick it to him as well...

Oh well, weasels typically get their due. It's sad really.

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