Thursday, August 21, 2014

Accentuate the Positive

Over the last few weeks, I've noticed that my left ankle and knee have started becoming more and more weak. I've tried strengthening exercises. I've tried stretching but my left ankle is now pretty much constantly in pain. A burning sensation that is pretty much never goes away now.

I stand a lot for work, and often have to be on my feet when I travel. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this, but having to purchase my first cane was very difficult. Now, it's stylish and looks pretty cool...

It doesn't change that this was the last thing that I wanted to do. So, the question for anyone else out there, who is fighting for motion is this... Do you want to maintain your independence or not? If using a stick to get around does that, then suck it up and get yourself a cane. This is not about looking pretty, it's about making sure that you keep fighting.

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